Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I love it when it rains like this. My grandmother told me it's good for the skin. She said the weather in England is always like this--misty and drizzly--and that's why English women have such beautiful skin. She didn't have any thoughts on why they have such bad teeth. I guess no one knows everything.

It's a quiet week so far, well, compared to last week. It's the beginning of November, which means Christmas is almost here. I realize that's not technically true, but everything moves so fast once November gets here. I have plans for just about every weekend in November and December is filling up fast. I am incredibly grateful for this. I'm grateful without even comparing my life now to my life at any other time. My life now is definitely richer than my life was last year at this time, but I'm not grateful just because my circumstances are better.

I'm grateful because I have people in my life that make my life rich. I'm grateful FOR the people that make my life rich. Of course, there is one person in particular, but I'm also grateful for the experience of being with this person. There are people that come into each of our lives and enrich us in ways we wouldn't have experienced without that person. These people are friends, lovers, strangers, family members... You are that person to someone. You have brought something to someone's life that they may not have found in any other way. That makes you unique and irreplaceable. Cool, huh?

In an age in which we are becoming increasingly disconnected from each other, it's so important to reach out to people. To share what you are and the gifts that you have with others. You have no idea how you might change someone's life.

Give someone a reason to be grateful for you.

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