Wednesday, January 12, 2011


So we've been stuck inside since Sunday night when it started snowing. It was beautiful and dangerous... I drove to my boyfriend's house at 1130pm after work. It had only been snowing an hour and already there were cars abandoned in ditches on either side of the bridge I had to cross to get here. The snow was so much fun to play in on Monday! We tried to go sledding--too much ice, made unmentionable snow creations (and tackled them), had snowball fights and generally had a great day.

But now it's Wednesday and I'm seriously going stir-crazy. I have a car with 4-wheel drive but there is still a lot of ice on the road and I wasn't clairvoyant enough to know that I would need snow chains this winter.

A major downfall of being stuck inside all day: online shopping. Seriously. I'm going to have to put my computer--all the computers, I can be pretty sneaky--under lock and key. So far I've bought:

1. Kettlebells
2. Kettlebell workout DVD
3. Perfume
4. A facial (it was one of those huge discount things)
5. A doggie spa day (another discount thing)
6. Sephora.

And I think that's it... I hope I'm not forgetting something. That's a couple hundred dollars right there. Yikes. Now I'm scaring myself. There's still the matter of food, gas and bills. And rent is about to go through.

So that's enough of that. I've been doing really well on my fast, so far. It's been a lot harder this year than in previous years. I don't have my good friend that also fasts to talk to as often, or maybe it's because I'm not shut away like I was last year when I was single and in cocoon-mode. Whatever the reason, I'm still praying daily that God will give me strength. I'm going to need to pray for the willpower to resist spending money when there is nothing else to do... (I just re-read that sentence and thought AMEN!!)

Well, here's to another week of trying to control myself in diet, impulses and willpower.

God give me strength.

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