Friday, January 28, 2011

To Get What You've Never Had, You Must Do What You've Never Done.

It's Friday!

That doesn't mean much when you're unemployed. I'm chuckling at myself because it sounds like I'm depressed but really, it's true. Everyday can be Friday. The best part about a real Friday though is that all my employed friends can now play with me.

At the beginning of this month I was inspired to blog about everyday on the Daniel Fast. As you can see, I haven't done that. I am excellent at starting projects and awful at finishing them. It's the Gemini in me... wait, now I'm a Taurus! Why won't the stars tell me who I am?? How will I know what to expect from myself?! (yeah, just kidding.)

I refuse to say that I AM a procrastinator because that implies that it's part of my makeup and not easily changed. I will say instead that there is a procrastinator part of me that doesn't like change, no matter how good it could be, and digs in and holds on to whatever situation I find myself in at the moment. I don't like this procrastinator part. It makes me feel bad about myself and whatever I have going on in my life at the moment I encounter it. The procrastinator needs to be excised. But where is it? I hope it's in the fat on my thighs and stomach. That would just be another reason why I should be in the pool right now instead of procrastinating in front of my computer.

All this to say: Things are going well. I need to focus on the positive so as to activate the motivated side of me which must be residing in the atrophying muscles in my legs and arms (until a couple weeks ago, it had been a while since I was physically active in any mentionable way.)

So. Positives: the Daniel Fast has been going well. It's almost the end of the month and it's been difficult. I may have cheated a few times with evaporated cane sugar but it was the Fast that led me to find a healthier sweetener than evil white sugar so I'll still count that as a win.

*I've been swimming pretty regularly and am falling back in love with it. I actually have to make myself stop swimming and get out of the pool. It's awesome.

*I bought a couple of kettlebells and as soon as I get into some sort of a routine in the morning, I'm going to add them in. I have a workout DVD from Jillian Michaels that scares me. I can't wait.

*I've been experimenting with vegan cooking and while I don't think I can make it a permanent lifestyle change, I can definitely incorporate more vegan meals into my life.

*I'm having fun swimming, kettlebell-ing, bellydancing and have just added swing dancing to my activities and I'm keeping an eye on the triathlon coming up in June. I want to be in great shape for this--I need to shave an hour off of my time!

*I may have started a new business... I'm still working out a few things before I want to go really really public with it (so both of you that read this, keep quiet for now) but I think it will be very good in the long run.

*Things with the boy are going well. There are some speedbumps but definitely less than any other relationship I've ever been in. He's pretty awesome.

That worked. I find myself remembering a saying on a wall somewhere: In order to get the things you've never had, you have to first do the things you've never done. After Googling that quote to make sure it's correct, I found this: "Do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not." (Thomas Huxley.)

And I'm off to do it.

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